Sunday 20 February 2011

My wish list.

Well I am pleased to say Its been a good week.  No restricting, no over eating and just a little bit of exercising!!  I am trying to be positive, taking each new day as it comes, and not kicking myself if things don't go quite to plan.
My head is in a good place, although I am constantly having to check myself and push aside the eating disordered thoughts....not easy all the time but I'm getting there. It helps to make sense of things when I consciously pay attention to what is going on in my life at the times I find I'm struggling,
So back to my wish list.  My goals for the future, for MY future.
  • To eat from the same size plate as the rest of my family.
  • To eat takeaway without having to have consumed far too much alcohol beforehand!!! With the exception of kebab, you can not eat one of those sober!
  • Reduce my alcohol consumption, I do not need it to be confident, funny or enjoy myself.
  • To choose items from the supermarket because I want them, not because of the fat or calorie content.
  • stop being critical of the way I look, to embrace my curves (when they get here)
  • Not feel guilty/bad/unworthy when I have something I would otherwise deemed as unsafe food.
  • Not to have safe/unsafe foods.
  • Eat at a restaurant without needing to see a menu beforehand.
  • Not be ruled by numbers, be it on a scale, a calorie, a clothing size.
That's it for to see the Nurse again tomorrow, the dreaded weigh in, but as I said earlier, I will not be ruled by a number.
Thanks for reading. xx

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